Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Paranoia or Just Common Sense?

I don't have a lot of paranoid fantasies, but I do have them...

One of them kicked in as I was reading the Times article in my previous post and I imagined a world where air travel was entirely beyond the reach of ordinary Americans (read: me and Catherine, because I truly am that self-centered). My more frequent p.f. involves the demise of the internal combustion engine and how we will live in a world without cars; parts of it are rather pleasant (NYC for the pedestrians!) and parts are not (getting back to see our families in Texas and Missouri... I know that for some people, this part might fall on the pleasant side but we actually enjoy being with our families). Of course, the reason for the demise of the automobiles in my p.f. is the loss of fossil fuels... which means a damned cold winter for those of us living in apartment buildings without fireplaces... and without electricity, since a lot of that power comes from burning fossil fuels, too... so that would mean living life only when the sun is up, since there'd be no light otherwise...

I'm thinking I'm not gonna think about this any longer.... today....

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