Monday, June 2, 2008

In Which I Change Careers and Become a Famous Photographer

Okay, not famous... and not really much of a photographer. I posted some photos on Flickr last November for a site-specific performance workshop with the Trinity/LaMaMa program that Catherine, Ralph and I led. Some of the photos were culled from the Internet, some I took here in NYC, and one was Frank Lloyd Wright's Hollyhock House in Los Angeles (left). We used the photos in an exercise to get the students to imagine contexts (what type of performance might you present here?), ways to uses a space, audience/actor relationships and so forth. I posted it, we did the workshop and then, quite frankly, I forgot all about it.

Earlier this, I got an e-mail from Emma at informing me that my photo had "been short-listed for inclusion in the second edition of our Schmap California Guide, to be published at the end of May 2008." I guess someone trolled around Flickr and thought my photo was a good representation of Hollyhock House. Well, the voting is in and my photo was chosen... along with 14 other photos of the site, as it turns out. But, hey: they picked mine, too!

I think maybe I'll keep my day job... for the time being...

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