Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Return of "The Gonzalez Cantata"

Since we saw it in the Philadelphia Fringe last September, I've been hoping that this piece would make its way to New York. I wish I could go to the concert at Bard College—I broke my ankle on February 10th so my ability to travel is severely limited for the next couple of months; as much as I enjoyed the experience in the Rotunda, I'm sure the acoustics in a concert hall will showcase Melissa Dunphy's music and libretto even better. I keep checking periodically to see if I'll haven an opportunity to hear it again (or perhaps even something new); I can think of one or two great venues here in the City for the piece. Regardless, if you're a fan of classical music or if you just appreciate good political commentary with a wicked sense of humor, don't miss this opportunity.

1 comment:

Sarah B. Roberts said...

God, I wish this would come to NYC too.