Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's Important to Know When

I think all of us struggle with this question, some of us daily: we believe we know the proper course of action in a given situation but there's always that nagging doubt that prevents us from executing our plans. Fortunately, Blame It On The Voices has devised a handy little flow chart to guide us through the most challenging decision: when to whip it:

Thanks to my friend, Dawn Stoppiello, for posting this to her Facebook page!

Yes, folks: I'm finally back... between my broken ankle, day job, and some video and theater projects, I just haven't felt that I could devote the time I'd like to posts. I'll try to do much better going forward.

1 comment:

peggy said...

I'm glad you have decided to post again! I had a feeling you would so I looked in on you from time to time. I really enjoy A Strange Interlude. I hope your ankle is healing well!